
Signs and Wonders

I heard the LORD say, "Get ready!  We are about to play in a different league, far superior!" - PJ

Signs and Wonders
(A Last Days Ministry) Inc. - USA
8263 South Harvard Avenue, Suite 728
Tulsa, OK 74137 USA

A Gift To Signs and Wonders is a 501(c)3 Charitable Tax Donation.

 Signs and Wonders - ISRAEL
P.O. Box 1150

Opsterland St 4

  Ra'anana 4311002

The calling of Signs and Wonders is to glorify Messiah Yeshua and reach lost souls during the last days without respect to religious or church affiliations, ethnicity or nationality;   to minister healing to the sick and infirm and to reach out to hurting people;   to reach out to teenagers and young adults around the world to train and equip them to spread the Gospel in their own countries;   and to be a witness to the House of Israel with signs and wonders to bring glory to the Glory of the House of ADONAI.


Signs And Wonders Ministries (c) 1999-2024 - Version 4.0.1 - Developed by Yeshua Design, Jerusalem