Holy Is The God Almighty

Signs and Wonders

I heard the LORD say, "Get ready!  We are about to play in a different league, far superior!" - PJ

Signs and Wonders
(A Last Days Ministry) Inc. - USA
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Holy Is The God Almighty
A Prophetic Word
by Nancy Harry

 Holy, Holy, Holy is the God Almighty. Great in majesty and honor. Worship him now and always. Don't turn to the left or to the right, but follow closely after him. Now is the time to fall on your knees before him. He waits for you. He wants to speak into your life.

So come now and worship me. Uphold my name; the name above all names. Dig deep into your heart. What do you see? Do you see me? Are you filled up with my love, my compassion, my mercy? Do you walk my walk and talk my talk? Have I not said come up higher with me? See who I am; the one who sends his blessings upon you. The one who sees all things and knows all things. Have I not created the universe; all you can see - whether you look up or you look down, whether you turn to the left or you turn to the right, my handiwork is there. Have I pleased you? Do you like the beauty in the nature that surrounds you? Do you like how I have clothed the flowers in their many colors? Do you contemplate the majesty of the mountains, the smooth reflection of the lakes and the mighty roar of the sea. What do you see? Do you see the greatness and awesomeness of their creator; of their maker?

Or do you complain and whine as my children did in the desert so many years ago when I desired to bring them out of captivity and establish them in their promised land filled with my many blessings? Do small inconveniences stifle the joy of the life I have offered you? Are you lax and uncaring about the troubles of today? Or do you press forward through the challenges to a better tomorrow?

Let me see your heart. Let me check its heartbeat. Is it for me or another? Where do I stand in the scheme of things in your private world? Am I not the God that created you in my image? Have I not given you dominion to take my kingdom into all the earth? Do you remember the words - on earth as it is in heaven? I have set before you life or death. Which do you choose?

Why am I asking so many questions of you? Are not the world's hearts constantly sending up their questions to me, thinking I must control everything that happens in their life or on this earth? But from the beginning I have given you dominion. I have made you in my image and given you a mind that can create. I have given you authority by my son's name to go into all the world taking my word, healing the sick and casting out demons. Is this what I find those who say they love me doing?

Take time to sit with me that I may speak to your heart, for I am not distant. I love my people so. Do you know the love I have for you? Do you feel my love that floods my heart for you?

Rest now. Take time for joy. Take time for pleasure. In joy and pleasure, find meaning in your work and find hope for the future. For this I say, “In me, your life is complete.”


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