Spots And Wrinkles

Signs and Wonders

I heard the LORD say, "Get ready!  We are about to play in a different league, far superior!" - PJ

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Spots And Wrinkles

by Nancy Harry

Eagles Rest Ministries - Harrisburg, PA
 He [Christ] did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. (Ephesians 5:27-28) NLT

Only two days before the end of the month and my next article was due. There had been no inspiration. Not a glimmer of a thought to roll with. Maybe an older article could be re-used.

I’d been feeling down for a few days, not really understanding why, except that I was missing hearing God’s voice. A few weeks of silence had passed and I really wanted to hear from him. Tiredness overtook me as I finished a short prayer. A restless night left me still tired as I woke in the morning. But a song was bubbling up from within me and I began to sing:

Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true.
With thanksgiving I’ll be a living
Sanctuary for You.

(Sanctuary © 1982 Whole Armor Publishing/Full Armor. Adm. By Justin Peters/LITA Music)

Then the Lord began to speak to me. My usual routine was to grab my pen and paper to write down what he would tell me. But I was tired from my fitful sleep and thought to myself, “I don’t write down my conversations every time I talk to someone, so I’ll just continue lying here and enjoy a pleasant conversation with my Lord.” It wasn’t long until I exclaimed, “Wait. Wait. I can’t do this. I don’t want to miss a single thing you tell me. I know in a few hours, maybe even in a few minutes, I’ll forget what you’ve been telling me.” I quickly turned on the light. Now with pen and paper in hand, I asked him if he’d mind repeating what he already told me and to continue, so I could write it down. I never want to forget all he shares with me. As I listened, he asked me this question:

“Where are my people without spot or wrinkle? I am coming for a people without spot or wrinkle.” I said, “But Lord, aren’t we covered with the righteousness of Jesus?” He answered, “My people take lightly what my son has done for them. It is not all fun and games. It is serious business. My son suffered for them, do they even care? My son died for them, do they even care? It is true, my son is the catalyst for the forgiveness of sin, but my people take it so lightly.

Where is their heart” Where is their appreciation? Where is their thankfulness for what he has done for them? They run to sin. They play with sin. It is a mockery. It makes what my son did of no effect. They wallow in their sin with no regrets, with no repentance. They ask for no forgiveness and continue in their way. Have I not taught them my way? Have I not offered them a life of abundance filled with my love and acceptance? Where do I find my people, but hidden in the dark doing their own thing.

Come to me my people. Receive my gift of forgiveness for your sins. Then turn from those sins and follow after me with purity of heart, filled with my Holy Spirit to help you, comfort you and strengthen you. Let my love fill your life. Reign in victory. Conquer sin and put it behind you. Live in freedom. Yes, freedom from sin. It may seem pleasurable for a season, but it brings heartache and death in the long run. My way brings life; newness of life, eternal life. I long for you to experience this new life. I yearn for my people to know my love and walk it out in their own lives.

Oh, my people. See me as the God that loves you so. I’m coming back for a people without spot or winkle. When you accept my love, you walk in love towards others. My love flows through my son to you and from you to others. My love is never ending.”

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.


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