Too Busy

Signs and Wonders

I heard the LORD say, "Get ready!  We are about to play in a different league, far superior!" - PJ

Signs and Wonders
(A Last Days Ministry) Inc. - USA
8263 South Harvard Avenue, Suite 728
Tulsa, OK 74137 USA

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 Signs and Wonders - ISRAEL
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  Ra'anana 4311002

Too Busy

by Nancy Harry

 Did you know God wants you to come to him and listen for his voice? He is always waiting for you to come and enjoy rest in his presence. Stay close to him by going with him into the sanctuary, into the Holy of Holies. While there, listen to his heart. He waits for you to come everyday. Stay close to him and hear what he has to say. He is in the habit of speaking to his people, but you need to listen in order to hear him. He has so much to tell you, so much for you to know.

Take time to sit with him for awhile . Join him and he'll open the doors for you to walk through. When you call to him, he'll answer. He's waiting for you, always waiting for you. Just like a daddy, crawl up on his lap and stay close to him. Sit and enjoy his company, because he enjoys yours. Take his hand and he will lead you.

Instead of spending time with him, do you keep running here and running there? When will you go to him and stay a little while? Dance with him. Follow him. Avoid running to the right and to the left. Stop running here and there, but run to him. He resides in the Holy of Holies, where he waits for his people to come and visit him. So take a break from your busyness and your burdens, and fellowship with the Lord. Leave behind the cares of this world, leave them behind and walk with him.

Be careful your busyness and excuses don't drip over into your relationship with the very God who has given you life and loves you with all his heart. Search your heart. Has God been missing you?


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