Waves Of Life

Signs and Wonders

I heard the LORD say, "Get ready!  We are about to play in a different league, far superior!" - PJ

Signs and Wonders
(A Last Days Ministry) Inc. - USA
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 Signs and Wonders - ISRAEL
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  Ra'anana 4311002

Waves Of Life
by Nancy Harry

 The waves of life carry you here and there. They may carry you out into the glassy, calm sea. They may rise and fall and throw you around. They may slap you against a rock or tumble you across the sand. They may lick your ankles or glide you in the surf to shore. Who knows where the waves of life may take you.

In the midst of your tumbling the Lord still waits for you to come to him. It distresses him to see you so unhappy, but he is there with you so lean on him. He will never withdraw his love from you. He isn’t blind that he can’t see or dumb that he can’t hear all that goes on in the lives of those he loves. So go to him and be at peace. He draws you with his love that is never ending and never burdensome. Experience his glory and his joy.

We tend to fret over every little thing that happens in our life. But God knows our needs. He knows your needs. Go to him and let him hold you. He will take care of you. Let him fulfill your every desire. Lean on him. Believe in him. Trust in him. He longs to show you all that he is. In your times of worry or fear draw near to him and he will keep you safe in his arms.

It is time to tear off your grave clothes and come out of your grief. There is a better time coming. It’s time to prepare for the return of Jesus. You will have the opportunity to experience him as he is and he will wrap his love around you. The joys of this world are only temporary, but his love is eternal. In his presence is joy forever more. So don’t sink in despair, instead lift your head up and look to him. Sing praises to him, because no matter what comes your way he will love you forever more.

Are you stressed and need comfort? Go to your God. He will hold you and comfort you. You will be his daughter. You will be his son. He will be your father. Rejoice in him. Even though life is short, you will have him for eternity so in that you can rejoice. Go to his secret place through prayer and stay awhile with him. In your busyness, don’t be quick to leave. Instead stay awhile in his presence. Learn to rest in him. It is a safe haven for you. So go and be with him.

Some may cry and whine and shake their fists at God when things don’t go like they think they should. How long will they turn their backs to him or blame him for all their troubles when all he desires is to give them every good thing? Don’t put off seeking him because he has your answers. Learn and understand how much he wants to do for you. Understand how much he loves you. He has given you everything: forgiveness, redemption, a new life. He doesn’t want to withhold his love.

God longs for you. See him as a father that loves you and wants to care for you. Let this be a new day. Rejoice in him. Let him cover you with his love and saturate you with his kisses. Let his blessings overflow into your life. Experience all he has to offer. Walk with him, not behind him, not ahead of him, but beside him. Don’t waver; hold his hand. He will be your strength. Let him pour out his healing balm and absorb it. Let it reach into the deep, hurting places. It’s a new day. Rejoice in your God and go with him into this new day and know that he is God.


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